International Maple Museum Centre - Croghan, NY - Lewis County Adirondacks Tug Hill Region

Room 6 - The Evaporator

tapped tree

In this room you will see examples of the maple syrup evaporators. The early settlers made maple syrup and sugar in the iron kettles they brought with them. This method much improved the Indian method of using hollow logs and hot rocks for boiling.

The flat pan and then the partitioned pans were developed. Each innovation increased production and quality. The development for the maple sap evaporator continues with blowers, preheaters, reverse osmosis machines and vapor compression.

Many people start backyard sugaring with simple systems. Coffee cans catch the sap, which is boiled down on the kitchen range or on the barbecue in the back yard. The Croghan Evaporator Co. #1 was manufactured for the small back yard operation and could produce about 2 gallons of syrup a day. It was made here in Croghan and is the only one still known to exist.

Also in this room you will also see some of the many containers for maple syrup. Here too, are the molds used to make maple sugarcakes and the equipment to make maple cream.

Room #1 | Room #2 | Room #3 | Room #4 | Room #5 | Room #6 | Room #7 | Room #8 | Room #9

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